Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Some quick sketches

I drew this as a quick sketch at Canter's on Sunday.
"Smile now, Cry later."

It's a throwback to urban Chicano and Lowrider culture and iconic imagery. We all have our moments of laughing on the outside but hurting within.

And I finished this sketch around 4am last night after receiving some charcoal pencils, a sketchpad, and an easel from a friend for Christmas. I've entitled it:
"Compatible Nightscapes: The dick that Loves"


I really dig surrealist art and in many ways it's the genre that inspires me most--and therefore influences my sketches most. People always ask, "what's the meaning?" and there are others that are more straight forward and say stuff like, "That's depressing" or "It's too dark." In this case, the meaning is in the title. The drawing is about darkness as much as it about other things, including light. It's not my fault if you can't see it.

1 comment:

S. Ashleigh said...

I really like that. Your drawing, I mean. =)