Thursday, March 19, 2009

Walking the Streets: Conserving Pico Union's History

The following post is from YouthNoise Play City—a community dedicated to changing the world through sports and play. PLAY ON!

Put on your walking shoes!
And grab your camera 'cause this Saturday (March 21) the Los Angeles Conservancy is launching it's new self-guided walking tour in Pico Union. There are 24 historic districts in Los Angeles City--areas that contain buildings, landscapes, and natural features that have historic, architectural, cultural or aesthetic significance. Pico Union is just one of those districts.

Located near the Staples Center, about 2 miles west of Downtown Los Angeles, Pico Union contains homes that are 100+ years old, and the history of the area--spanning more than a hundred years of the "wild wild west"--is just as rich. After the kickoff event, the self-guided walking tour will be available for free at the Pico-Union Branch Library and online at the LA Conservancy's website.

In addition to the beautiful historic homes, the community is full of awesome murals like the one above. A number of organizations work in the area too, and provide various resources to LA County residents including literacy work, labor rights work, gang prevention, immigrant rights advocacy, and legal services to low-income minorities.

So we're just walking?

NOT AT ALL! A number of organizations will be present at the event to provide neighborhood folks with things such as free shade trees for the yard, graffiti removal resources, and information on local computer and language literacy programs (to name a few). For the kiddies, there will be face-painting, an interactive word puzzle game, and coloring activities. So bring the kids!

More importantly, to quote another communitarian from the movie Block Party, "Bring yo'self! Bring yo'self!!" 'Cause the tour will cover Pico Union's history and showcase a number of the historic homes in the area, like the one below. And believe me. This is just the beginning!

Find this post and many others at Youth Noise Play City:

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